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Archive for August, 2007

Last Chance to Buy a T-shirt

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

Update: Some folks where having problems submitting an order, but this should be fixed now.

We’ve been selling Downhill Battle t-shirts for years. They’ve been great publicity and lots of folks like them– we’ve sold a few thousand, I think. But we’re not selling a huge amount any more and it’s getting tedious to do shipping for only a few shirts a week. So we’ve decided to close down the store.

If you want a Downhill Battle t-shirt or sticker, buy now! Our shopping cart system is kind of messed up, so look for the specific notes about what shirts are in stock and please don’t order something that’s gone. Downhill Battle Store.
And if, for some reason, you have a t-shirt company and want to keep selling the shirts, Downhill Battle Chairman of the Board Jacob Berendes would be happy to keep printing them and shipping them over to you, so just let us know.