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Gavin Castelon – New Buttons
Nicholas, April 18, 2004 - 10:33PM
Permanent Link
GAVIN CASTLETON IS A RAPPER who’s toured with Sage Francis, and when he saw our interview with Sage he sent us a link to a really hot track on his last album. It’s about the what’s wrong with the music industry and what Gavin calls an “artistic cleansing” that’s on its way. It’s a good song, too. Here’s the mp3 (don’t let the long intro throw you off): The Great American Bottleneck.
You can check out the song’s lyrics and bibliography, hear more songs, and give Gavin some support by buying his album, going to a show, or making a donation.
We’ve got 2 new buttons for sale in our Postal Department, designed by Allison Gore.
Get some for you and your friends.