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What We Have Been Doing
Hi Everyone,
As you may have heard, we have taken the torrent links down from Eyes on the Screen on the request of lawyers for the company that made the film. We don’t agree with them about the situation, but we’re not interested in fighting them on this– we want to keep the focus on the importance of this film and how crucial it is to bring it back to the public. On a really amazing note – from which you can make your own judgment – Louis Massiah, a producer on Eyes on the Prize is holding a screening on Feb 8th at his really great non-profit filmmaking-empowerment center, Scribe Video. If you live in Philly, support Louis Massiah and spend your 4:00 kickball time with the man himself and his high school students. If you live in West Philly, you can download flyers, post them at the co-op and at restaurants like Abyssinia and help bring everyone to the celebration of Eyes on the Prize.
All the screenings are really great – if you are in Vienna, VA there is a 750-person screening at James Madison High School. I spoke with the teacher who is organizing this and he’s excited to bring the film to his community – or your community called Vienna. There are screenings in 19 other cities, so look for one in your hometown here.
People have been helping out a lot. Civic leaders, working class people, union organizers, lawyers, artists, religious people and many others have been stepping forward and offering their help in this large organizing effort – we’d like to thank everyone for their awesome help. We will be looking forward to good things to come from all of this. And great people have been making flyers to help everyone get the word out about these screenings – you can look at or print them by going here.